Muy Blog: Eadweard Muybridge Selection 2009-2012
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Photography & Video
Muy Blog: Eadweard Muybridge Selection 2009-2012 Details
About the Author Stephen Herbert is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, Kingston University, London. Kingston is Muybridge’s home town. A Muybridge specialist for more than 25 years, he has lectured widely on the history of optical media and his contributions have appeared in academic journals, encyclopedias, magazines, books, films, tv , radio, and on the web. His web site The Compleat Muybridge, together with Muy Blog on Wordpress, cover the world of Muybridge in all its forms – historical research, modern artworks, digital re-imagining, and much more. Zoetropes and other ‘scopes and ‘tropes are celebrated at The Wheel of Life [] The wider world of 19th-century motion pictures is the subject of Who’s Who of Victorian Cinema []. The Projection Box, established in 1994, publishes and sells monographs about pre-cinema, the magic lantern, early and silent film, and optical entertainments. Read more