Flashback: A Brief Film History (6th Edition)

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Photography & Video

Flashback: A Brief Film History (6th Edition) Details

From the Back Cover Consolidating major figures and film movements into their decade of greatest influence or prestige, this "no-nonsense" book offers a generously illustrated, concise, and very readable history of fiction movies with an emphasis on American cinema. Eclectic in methodology and written in a plain English style that audiences can relate to, it examines the full scope of traditional film history and criticism, viewing film as both an art and an industry- as it mirrors popular audience values, social ideologies, and historical epochs. Read more


I used this book for my History of Film class and I absolutely hated it. The writing style is terrible, the book is cluttered and unorganized. For example, some directors are described in one decade, but the authors write about the movies they made 10 or 20 years before. Some of the film descriptions feature more text about the actor than the film. The index is unusable to find anything. I was looking for Brad Pit and the index only showed two entries. After reading the whole textbook I found more entries about Brad Pit in the text that were not in the index. If you are trying to write a paper and are looking for references in the book because your professor tells you to give references to the textbook it is almost impossible to find the entries using the index because it is so terrible. You also have to go through several chapters and blurbs to find all the little references to one person or film. I hope the authors will streamline this book in the next edition and enhance the index. I could also go on and on about their selection of featured films and actors, which I found strange.

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