Level 2B - Technique & Artistry Book: Piano Adventures
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Music
Level 2B - Technique & Artistry Book: Piano Adventures Details
(Faber Piano Adventures ). Enhancements to the 2nd Edition Level 2B Technique & Artistry Book include emphasis on pattern recognition, new teacher duets for several Artistry Magic pieces, and a new exercise to prepare students for playing chord changes. The four effective technique secrets are used as warm-ups throughout the book.
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Great series of books teaching how to play the piano. Our piano teacher uses this series, and I have spoken to at least four more instructors in the area that all use these series to teach piano. Our daughter started with the first book in the series at age 5 and has been going through the books for the last two years. They teach the concepts progressively, with focus on good technique, enough variation, and a good selection of songs. She is never bored, and learns at a consistent pace. The main books for each level are called "Lesson Book". The "Technique and Artistry Book" for the same level is a companion to help students improve their knowledge and technique about music and piano artistry. So they complement each other well, and we tend to move in parallel in both of those books. We primarily use those two in our classes. For each level there are also "popular repertoire" and "christmas books" that take well known and liked songs and arrange them for that specific level of learning. We've sprinkled these here and there to keep things interesting for our daughter. There are also CDs that accompany the books, but I have no experience in those.