The Lawson's Fork: Headwaters to Confluence
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Photography & Video
The Lawson's Fork: Headwaters to Confluence Details
Review I grew up in Spartanburg and floated Lawsons Fork a lot. This book shows the reader the face of Lawsons Fork, warts and all. Its a wonderful look at a Piedmont creek over time--history and natural history." -- --Naturalist Rudy Mancke, host of ETVs NatureScene Read more
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I too love Lawson Fork and have watched it thrive following the Clean Water Act. The flora and fauna is diverse and it's recovery may be attributed to the wonderful work of the Spartanburg Sanitary Sewer Distict. The Sewer Distict is nationally recognized and has received numerous awards for their stewardship of our environment.The disparaging comments regarding the the Lawson Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant are not credible and I believe this is no more than an attempt by the authors to present themselves as environmental advocates. The authors should evaluate the water quality objectively or say nothing .norton